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10 Challenges Facing Assisted Living Facilities

A group of four seniors talking amongst each other in an assisted living community

Approaching Challenges to Assisted Living Assisted living facilities face new challenges as communities change, technologies develop, and senior living faces a staffing crisis. The Distinctive Living approach ensures we overcome new challenges by developing a stellar reputation and a supportive community.  Here are 10 challenges facing assisted living facilities and how our approach can help […]

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What Seniors Value Most in a Retirement Community

What do seniors value most in a retirement community? Is it the dining options, the services and amenities, or something else? Learning what older adults value can help you understand what your senior community can offer.  Continue reading to learn more about what seniors value in a retirement community.  What Do Seniors Value Most in […]

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What Does a Senior Living Management Company Do?

Distinctive Living Management

A senior living management company helps your senior living community operate to its full potential. Management companies can help in areas like:  Meeting regulations Day-to-day operations Improving business outcomes Working with investors The senior living industry is booming, and senior living management companies are stepping up to help manage facilities, ensure effective marketing, and lower […]

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How to Find a Senior Living Management Company

Your Match is Out There  You may be just launching your senior living community, or looking for a change to the structure of your organization: no matter the reasons, finding the perfect management company for your facility can be a daunting task.  There’s no one-size-fits-all conclusion to the search; every senior living community has different […]

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