Lexor Living

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Lexor Living Is Now Part of Our Distinctive Difference

We are pleased to announce that Lexor Living is now part of the Distinctive Living family.

Shelley Esden, the founder and former CEO of Lexor Living, has assumed the role of chief operating officer at Distinctive Living.

Lexor Living introduces a new independent brand to Distinctive Living’s offerings. This strategic integration aligns with Distinctive Living’s recent significant growth and is a key component of our broader growth strategy. These changes are designed to enhance our operational execution and strengthen our partnerships.

Read the public relations announcement today, or contact us to learn more about how Lexor Living and Distinctive Living can elevate the experiences you provide.

Who Is Lexor Living?

Lexor Living is a Florida-based, full-service senior living management company bringing over 25 years of experience and a proven track record of providing enriching lifestyles for seniors and reliable outcomes for owners. 

Our high-touch senior living management delivers success by combining a connected and service-centered culture with innovative, sophisticated systems and operational insight.

The Lexor Living Difference

Our organization is defined by our leadership’s unwavering commitment to compassionate care and a passion for creating enriching senior living communities where residents and team members thrive.

Innovation & Experience

Lexor Living integrates deep market knowledge, operational experience, and effective innovations to drive performance and nurture a culture of excellence, promoting the success of residents and team members.

Personalized Care

Lexor is dedicated to honoring individuality and personal choice through innovative programming and services that enrich the lives of older adults, fostering connections among residents, families, and team members.

Steadfast Leadership

With over 25 years of senior living development and operational experience, Lexor’s leadership has excelled in new construction, lease-ups, third-party management, and acquisition turnarounds, consistently exceeding partner and investor goals.

Sustainable Value Creation

By leveraging the latest technologies, software management tools, and hands-on leadership, Lexor improves operational efficiencies, creates value, and aligns with partner goals.

Collaborative Partnerships

Embracing transparency and collaboration, Lexor partners with residents, families, team members, local communities, and owners to achieve shared goals and drive success.

Operational Excellence

Demonstrating a record of exceeding expectations in startups and turnarounds, Lexor utilizes effective systems, quality assurance, technological experience, risk management, and excellent service delivery.

Incorporate Our Expertise Into Your Community

At Distinctive Living, we have formulated procedures and practices for every area of senior living management. 

Put your trust in our experience and find help creating a rich living experience. Contact Distinctive Living today to learn more.

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