Welcome to Distinctive Living

Senior Living with Style

Be Distinctive

Distinctive Living’s management and development team offers a boutique-style approach to senior living. No matter the size, location, or complexity of our client’s communities. The Distinctive Living experienced team ensures our client’s senior living communities are specifically tailored to offer a holistic approach to wellness and a thriving environment – a true recipe for success.

Discover how our unique programming, management skills, and customized approach can enhance your business.

Distinguished Amenities

Distinctive Living offers first-class amenities, from lifestyle and leisure to on-site concierge and Distinctive Dining™. With our expertise, you can experience an atmosphere of lively, engaged residents and professional, accommodating, and hospitable staff. Our goal of ensuring our communities is active and vibrant, with a strong focus on holistic wellness. Our approach is supported by spaces designed for fitness, socialization, and leisure. 

Distinctive Snapshots

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